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Spar - Business Services


Spar maintains several web pages on the basis of Adobe AEM. Different project teams take care of the individual websites. The deployment, however, is centrally located in a team. The various different environments complicate quality assurance. Therefore, a coordinated procedure with traditional means has been hardly possible.


Prime Force, together with Spar has defined a new automated Build and Deployment process, which is based on these steps: 

  • Delivery of the source code
  • Quality assurance by means of tests and tools
  • Creating the Deployment artifacts and releases
  • Installation 
  • Commissioning
  • Release

For the technical implementation, Prime Force has used the Pipeline-Plugin by Jenkins . Currently, the complete Build-Pipeline is automated and is interrupted only for manual checks. Due to various different environments and projects, also the establishment of the Jenkins Pipelines automated. Prime Force has exported the Jenkins configuration in a separate GIT-Project and cribbed the Jenkins jobs via JSON . Thanks to this, Spar has now the possibility at the touch of a button to establish a complete Build and Deployment Pipeline for a new project or AEM-environment by means of simple configuration. 

June to December 2016

Construction of a Build- and Deployment-Pipeline for Adobe AEM
